Cancelled activities due to the state of alarm

Notice about the State of Alarm (March 2020):

Given the current situation of confinement, the measures adopted by governments, the mobility or reunion restrictions that are being applied, and the consequences of disobeying them:

In-person activities of the Transparent Space are canceled until further notice.

Specifically, the event on Sunday March 22th, is postponed, with no scheduled date: “Open Car Boots: 2nd hand market and integral artistic culture.” The members’ meeting can be done online in a new Telegram group for these cases:

The Social Dining Room on Wednesdays, the Jam Sessions on Thursdays, and the Arts and Games afternoons on Fridays are also temporarily suspended.

As soon as we can we will open again!!


We encourage people to focus on their own health at all levels, to take advantage of this exceptional state to practice the art of doing, with oneself and your own personal space, which daily life makes it difficult for us to do.

We will soon launch a project focused on finding better solutions to solve people’s needs collectively: the “Integral Registry of Needs and Resources for Local Self-Management” (RINRAL) … stay tuned!

In the meantime, if you have needs that you cannot cover, you can share them in the WhatsApp group of friends of the Transparent Space to see if we all find solutions.

And we encourage you to collaborate in the crowdfunding campaign: Either if you can contribute or you may disseminate it by sharing. Thank you!

Also, to remember what we humans are capable of (especially Catalans, Valencians, Andalusians, Aragoneses, Basques, etc.), we recommend watching again the essential historical documentary on TVE: Vivir la Utopía (el Anarquismo)! (P. Eg to There are too many capitalist and statist interests in trying to make us forget exactly what we already did almost a century ago, and that is clearly explained in the documentary.

In this current time of crisis we need a deep reflection on the world we want and how we want to build it. It has been shown that we are able to organize ourselves if we want.

Coordination team of the Transparent Space

Open Car Boots – March 22th 2020

Open Car Boots: 2nd hand flea market and integral arts culture

Sunday, March 22nd 2020

From 10h, with live arts, food and fire until dark!

Bring what you want to sell, exchange or give, or come to find things you need!
(and make a donation to the space so it can survive)

Popular Lunch at 14:30h (vegan dish €4, with chicken €6)

Artistic performances spontaneous at any hour!


All Wednesdays: Social and Healthy Lunch, Arts’n’Games afternoon

Every Wednesday: Social and Healthy Lunches, and afternoon of Arts and Games

The art of preparing healthy food and at free price. The art of eating it, enjoy and contribute with the art of paying a fair price. The art of cleaning. The art of playing…

There are a lot of games in the space, but you can make music and other performing arts, plastic and gastronomic arts, etc.

From 14 h, every Wednesday, with good music, good food, alternative information, books, etc.

All Fridays: afternoon of Arts and Games for health

Every Friday:
Afternoon of Arts and Games for the health

There’s mini foosball, pool, ping-pong and hockey, but also darts, backgammon, chess, checkers, deck cards and board games.

You can make music and other performing arts, plastic arts, literary arts, gastronomic arts, handicrafts, etc.

From 17h, every Friday, with good music, good food, alternative information, books, etc.

Assembly days on human postcapitalism – 6, 7 and 8, September 2019

Assembly days on human postcapitalism. 6, 7 and 8, September 2019, Arbúcies
Open to everyone who wants to contribute to the common good!

Full program and documentation here:

Fridays 6:
Starting from 18h: Reception, presentation and distribution of the documentation.
21h: Supper (Tear and share or inventing)

Saturday 7: monographic debate human and economic aspect of FairCoop 2.0
10h: Improve FairCoop as a local-global movement on the human aspect and the governance-protection of values and aims.
– Presentation of evolutionary proposals: healthy limits for health and development
– debate and consensus-building
– plan for implementation of the agreements
14h: Cooperative lunch
16h: Improving FairCoop ecosystem under the economic aspect boosting the circular economics of products and services
– Presentation of productive projects, mapping of products/services network
– concrete offers for circular local-global economic campaign
– integral registry of necessities and resources for local self-management (and global version)
20h: Overview and collective acknowledgement of the results of the monograph documents
21h: Supper cooperative and Musicart til late

Sunday 8:
10h: 15at Open Assembly of FairCoop Catalonia
14h: Cooperative lunch
If they are no points to be checked, we could to the river to cool off …

Every Week since June 2019

Every wednesday:
14h Social Meal: the rices of Alfonsina
16h Open afternoon of arts and games for health

Every thursday:
17h Change Office: get out of capitalism!
19h Jam ‘Discharge-Recharge’ and musical food

Every friday:
14h Open space of arts and games for the health
19h Musical evening ‘Disconnect-Reconnect’

Every saturday:
19h ‘Guateque’: Historic music for dancing!
21h Young night of integral play’n’dance

Total Party! 1 year ago we entered the space! January 2019

A year has passed since we enter the Transparent Space! all sorts of things happened, changes nonstop… from the thursday’s jam sessions the new band Arbuscience (jazz-latin) is born, and many other synergies…


Thursday 24th January:  from 19h

Special Open Jam “Descarga-Recarga” with guest jazz musicians and good stuff for eat and drink.


Sunday 27th January: The whole day!

Total Party! firt year here! 

Transparent celebration day, from 10h with jam sessions and shows, foods, artisan beer, eco juices, wines, etc.
With La Begoneta working, concert by Arbuscience (live jazz) at 19h, Urniturrinkus Selectah and the spontaneous that want to sum-up!